Members: For Information on Practice ice & Equipment purchases, login to the Members' Home Page
Members: For Information on Practice ice & Equipment purchases, login to the Members' Home Page
Curling is fun because it is so easy to get involved. You don't need any special equipment (just some loose fitting clothing and running shoes), you can start playing after just a few hours of on-ice instruction, and you can choose from a wide range of curling programs: mixed Social, Men, Business Women, Competitive and Little Rocks (children). We also have annual Bonspiels, including prizes and dinner,that are always a highlight of the curling year.
You are guaranteed to get a workout -- and we can also guarantee that staying in shape by curling is a whole lot more fun than going to the gym.
Best of all, curling is by nature a friendly game where all players are respected and supported and, by tradition, the members of the winning team purchase a drink or refreshment for the losing team.
You are also going to appreciate that the curling does not involve a big time commitment. Most Markham residents can drive to our rink in historic Old Unionville in just minutes and the average game takes just two hours to play.
Curling is the answer for anyone who lives in the Markham area and is looking for an affordable winter recreation that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
We welcome new member inquiries and would be happy to arrange a tour of our facility.
Note to public viewers: On occasion we offer "Learn to Curl" programs throughout the season for various age groups.
From beginner to seasoned pro, everyone has to start somewhere – and most likely it was a Learn to Curl program. We’re honoured you want to try one of the greatest winter sports with us!
UCC is committed to the development and continued growth of the fantastic sport of Curling through our Learn to Curl programs. Come join us and experience a fun and friendly game of curling this winter; where friendship is a tradition.
Check our UCC Home page for the latest postings for these events or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more information on this program:
Contact the Learn To Curl Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more information on Curling at Unionville:
Contact our Curling Club Manager
Telephone (905) 477-2711
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Unionville Curling Club?
Check out our New Member Info or our League Description page for more information or email us with your questions.
257 Carlton Road,
Unionville Ontario L3R 2A3
Phone: (905) 477-2711
The Unionville Curling Club is privately owned by its members and operated by an elected Board of Directors. It represents a group of individuals dedicated to the Sport of Curling.
The Unionville Curling Club was founded in 1919. From its humble beginnings in a small converted barn to its present location, the club has grown to become one of Ontario's most respected curling clubs. Situated in the heart of the village of Unionville, it serves curlers from the surrounding area as well as Metro Toronto.
The Unionville Curling Club is an active member of the Canadian Curling Association, Ontario Curling Association and the Toronto Curling Association.